Friday, March 22, 2013

Zumba Workout DVD As Seen on TV

Thinking about trying the Zumba workout DVD as seen on TV, but not sure if it is right for you, or the best places to buy it?  I was in that same position, so after I took the plunge, I decided to write this quick post to let you know some of the great points about this Zumba workout as seen on tv.  Hopefully some of the information I share with you can help you to make a more informed decision before you pull out your credit card.

Exercise DVD  Zumba 

If you watch any amount of tv, you probably have noticed the commercial for the exercise DVD Zumba Exhilarate.  In this commercial, they show this great exercise called Zumba where people are getting in shape without strenuous exercise.  Instead of doing labor intensive moves over and over again, they are moving their bodies and dancing off the pounds.  They show you that you can indeed lose weight and get in shape without feeling like you are working out.

The moves, music, and overall vibe of this exercise DVD helps to keep you pumped up and moving without getting bored or tired of using them.  

Getting a workout without feeling like you are working out !?!  I like that idea!

Zumba Exercise DVD

See this woman doing cross crunches?  That was my idea of working out.  Doing repetitive moves that hurt.  No wonder I have such a difficult time sticking with an exercise program for any length of time.  I know that I need to move and put stress on my muscles if I want to lose weight and inches, but doing painful moves makes it 100 times harder for me to stick with a program.  There are a lot of great programs out there.  I know because I've tried them.  I like a bunch of them.  I just have a hard time sticking to them.   Just being honest!

The Zumba exercise DVD workout is just better for me.  In the long run, I do not feel ashamed that I cannot stick to a program like Insanity, or P90X and maybe I won't have a body that is totally ripped like the people who are devoted and dedicated enough to stick to programs like that, but that is okay with me.  I just want to get in shape, and have fun doing it.

With the Zumba exercise DVD set, I don't even have to pay the money, or  take the time to join a Zumba class at my local gym either.  I can do the same exercises right in my home.  I can sweat in private.  lol.

Zumba Fitness DVDs

Zumba Fitness DVDs show you how to use dance moves to tone up and get in shape.  They range in length, and are great at keeping your body moving for extended periods of time.  They get your heart rate up, and keep it up while you are basically.... just having fun and dancing.  Don't worry though, you don't even have to get the moves down perfectly to see results, you just do the best you can, and in time, the moves will come more naturally.

There are several zumba fitness DVDs to chose from too, so you are not stuck with only one workout.  The one I will show you first is the one that has been on tv the most, called Exhilarate.

www ZumbaFitness com

www ZumbaFitness com has been advertising the Zumba Exhilarate workout DVD on tv a lot lately.  They advertise it as being 4 dvd's with 3 free bonuses.  You don't have to buy this kit from www ZumbaFitness com however to get these same bonuses.  You can buy them from a few different retail stores as well as from Amazon too.  It all comes in a box set and no matter where you buy it, you get 5 workouts in total and 2 (1 lb) hand weights.

You can take a look at this system on the www ZumbaFitness com website.

Zumba Exhilarate Set

The small Zumba Exhilarate set comes with 5 workouts, and 2 - 1 lb toning sticks (hand weights).  There are other Zumba Exhilarate sets you can purchase that have more workouts, as well as some other Zumba exercise DVD's that I found for sale online.

Some of these DVD's can be purchased at your local Walmart, Target, and other retail stores in your area.  The prices should all be pretty much the same as you can find them for sale on Amazon, so if you like to purchase offline, I would check one of those stores first.  If they don't have them, you can usually find them for sale on Amazon. 

One thing that I love about Amazon however is the ability to read other customer reviews, as well as to get things at the best value possible.  Oh.... and did I mention that Amazon usually has an option for all of its products to purchase them in Used but very good condition, which can be a HUGE money saver!

Below are some of the Zumba exercise DVDs that they currently offer for sale.

Zumba Exhilarate DVD Sets

 There are two different Zumba Exhilarate DVD sets, and the difference between them is the amount of workouts.  The smaller set has 5 workouts, and the larger set has 7 workouts.  They both have the 2 - 1 lb toning sticks.

The difference in the price for the 2 extra workouts is about $30.  You will have to determine if you think the two extra workouts are worth the additional money or not.  The two extra workouts are: a Sentao workout using chairs and a Fitness Concert DVD.

Beginner Zumba DVD

For those of you who think you may need a more beginner Zumba DVD, I am excited to let you know that they also offer a workout specially designed for Baby Boomers!  It is called Zumba Fitness Gold, and it has lower intensity workouts.  It was designed BY baby boomers, FOR baby boomers.

This beginner zumba DVD for baby boomers, includes 3 easy to follow workout DVD's, two toning sticks and a healthy living guide.

Cheap Zumba DVDs

I hope that some of the information I shared with you above will help you to make a decision one way or another about trying the Zumba workouts.  I know that I love them, and I have had great results with them.  Finding something to keep me moving for an hour everyday that doesn't feel like a workout is just what I needed!  I have been using the basic Exhilarate kit for about a month now and I lost 7 lbs so far.  I have not made any other changes to my dieting so far.  The only thing I have been doing is actually using the dvd's.  I have shown you where you can get some cheap zumba dvds (from Amazon in used condition if you have to) and showed you some of the different options as far as the workout kits are concerned.  Now its just up to you......

Do you want to get off the couch and start getting in shape?  If so.... and you don't like super strenuous exercise regiments of other workout routines, Zumba may be just what you need!

Either way.... good luck!

To your success,
 - Christine